Adaeze & Gabby Paintin
Dr. Adaeze [Eronini] Paintin – originally from Imo state (South Eastern Nigeria) – is a British citizen, and works as a gynaecologist. She is married to Gabby, an engineer who spent his early years in Ghana before relocating to the UK.
Adaeze & Gabby continue to support our work, and have just sponsored five solar hanging lights to be set up in a rural area in Nigeria. One of the target recipients of their donation will be primary healthcare centres, following Adaeze’s natural concern for infant/maternal wellness before, during, and after childbearing.
In the next few weeks, Adaeze & Gabby's donation will be matched to some of the requests we have received from state governments for basic solar lighting in rural communities. During their next trip to Nigeria, this generous couple will get to meet members of the community that have benefitted from their gift.
Adaeze has had a long history of supporting charitable causes, having run several 5k races in the UK (with Gabby cheering on) in support of cancer research. Gabby is passionate about social causes.
Watch this space for pictures from 'Paintin-sponsored' solar light installations.